Friday, December 18, 2009

Introducing RevitPythonShell

RevitPythonShell is a little tool I built to make life in RevitAPI-land a little easier.

When writing plugins for Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010, you have to restart Revit each time you create a new build and manually click your way to the plugins functionality. If you are not so sure about how a given method or property from the API works (or what values to expect when reading it), you will end up with a lot of these edit-compile-run cycles. I don't know how fast your machine is, but starting Revit on mine is not as snappy as I would like. Plus, you can't really experiment, can you?

So, with RevitPythonShell, you can. It embeds IronPython, a .NET port of the python language as a plugin. The main window provides a simple text editor that lets you write a script and execute it. The most useful script is probably this one:

import code
code.interact(None, None, 
            '__name__': '__console__', 
            '__revit__': __revit__

This will open up an interactive interpreter loop (known as a REPL), that will let you explore the RevitAPI. And by explore, I mean type a statement, hit enter, see the results, carry on. It doesn't get easier as this!

The above script is actually saved as a "canned command" - an button (in this case named "Interactive") in the toolbar above the main window. Canned commands like these are an ideal place to save scripts you have developed and found useful - a sort of mini-plugin-in-a-plugin architecture.

The default script shown when you start the RevitPythonShell plugin is this one:

# type in a python script to run here...
  # assumes the following file exists: C:\RevitPythonShell\
  import current  
  import traceback

It imports the module from the search path (normally C:\RevitPythonShell) which contains a script you are currently working on. Clicking the button Execute (or pressing CTRL+RETURN) will execute the contents of the main window, which will in turn import the module and run its main() method.

Loading a script from the file system instead of typing it into the simple editor provided by RevitPythonShell is probably a good idea, since most editors make life a lot easier compared to the TextBox control used here - even Notepad.exe would be preferable!

Note the parameter __revit__ passed into the main method: This is a reference to the Autodesk.Revit.Application API object used by plugins to gain access to Revit.

I will be showing off some of the things you can do with RevitPythonShell in later posts.


  1. First of all, thanks so much Daren for starting this effort.

    Going on, it seems the installer does not yet work with Revit 2010 x64. Would be great to see an update.


  2. Yes, the installer so far only works for Revit Architecture 2010 32bit, but that is only the part that registers the plugin in Revit.ini - you should be able to manually register the plugin following the instructions on the wiki.

    I *will* post an update to fix that though.

    BTW: There is an issue tracker on the project website. I'm not sure if it is public writable, though... Could someone check?

  3. Yup, the issue tracker is public writable... I added a couple of pics to issue #2. Cheers.
