Thursday, March 31, 2011

Exporting Images with the Autodesk Revit API

I tried to find some sample code for using the Document.ExportImage method in Autodesk Revit 2011 but couldn't find any. So I wrote my own sample code and posted it on the RevitPythonShell wiki as a featured script. I'd like to share it here too:


Export the currently visible view as a PNG image to a location specified by the user.
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document

# collect file location from user
from System.Windows.Forms import DialogResult, SaveFileDialog
dialog = SaveFileDialog()
dialog.Title = 'Export current view as PNG'
dialog.Filter = 'PNG files (*.PNG)|*.PNG'

if dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK:
    # set up the export options
    options = ImageExportOptions()
    options.ExportRange = ExportRange.VisibleRegionOfCurrentView
    options.FilePath = dialog.FileName
    options.HLRandWFViewsFileType = ImageFileType.PNG
    options.ImageResolution = ImageResolution.DPI_72
    options.ZoomType = ZoomFitType.Zoom
    options.ShadowViewsFileType = ImageFileType.PNG



The above code does some stuff necessary for any canned command in RPS: It adds references to the RevitAPI and imports the Autodesk.Revit.DB types. I also open a SaveFileDialog using code found here:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How to install Trac on a Synology DS209+II

These are some short notes on how I (successfully) installed Trac on a Synology DS209+II. The process should be similar for many other Synology servers. Please comment on any errors you find or snags you run into.

I modified my Synology server from the original Synology setup:

Configuration of Apache for Subversion

I appended following lines to /opt/etc/apache2/httpd.conf:

# Subversion
Include etc/apache2/conf.d/mod_dav_svn.conf

Also, I created a file /opt/etc/apache2/conf.d/mod_dav_svn.conf with following contents:

LoadModule dav_svn_module     libexec/
LoadModule authz_svn_module   libexec/

<Location /svn>
   DAV svn
   SVNParentPath /volume1/svn
   AuthType Basic
   AuthName "Subversion repository"
   AuthUserFile /volume1/svn/svn-auth-file
   Require valid-user

# allow Apache to be used for authenticating Trac
<Directory /opt/share/www/trac>
   AuthType Basic
   AuthName "Subversion repository"
   AuthUserFile /volume1/svn/svn-auth-file
   Require valid-user

This expects a file /volume1/svn/svn-auth-file to be present. That file contains the passwords used for Subversion (and, via Apache, Trac authentication). This file is generated with apaches htpasswd -c command. I used the cm too, to force md5 hashing of the passwords. Also, I added the folder /opt/share/www/trac` - this is used later on for Trac authentication, as I instruct Apache to authenticate this URL and tell Trac to use it for authentication.

Trac configuration

I am running Trac version 0.11.7. The Trac environments can be found at /volume1/trac-env. They are called "MYTRAC1" and "MYTRAC2". Access to them is via the following URLs:

Trac is run using tracd. This is configured to start automatically on system start by creation of the following file: /opt/etc/init.d/S81trac:

# run tracd
/opt/bin/tracd -d -p 8888 -auth=*,/volume1/svn/svn-auth-file, -e /volume1/trac-env

The file must be set to executable for root (see documentation for chmod), so that it will be run at system start.

Trac configuration files can be found at

  • /volume1/trac-env/MYTRAC1/conf/trac.ini
  • /volume1/trac-env/MYTRAC2/conf/trac.ini

Authentication via Apache

Authentication is done with the AccountManager plugin for trac ( The website has a good explanation on how that works. See the copies of the trac.ini files for reference. I'd like to point out the last section:

password_store = HttpAuthStore
authentication_url =

This is where we tell Trac to use our Apache Server for authentication.


Backing up Trac

Trac is backed up with the trac-admin hotcopy command. The configuration of the backup is in /etc/crontab. It is done by executing the script /volume1/trac-env/tracbackup:


/opt/bin/trac-admin /v9olume1/trac-env/MYTRAC1 hotcopy `date +/volumeUSB1/usbshare/TracBackup/%Y%m%d_trac_hotcopy_MYTRAC1`
/opt/bin/trac-admin /v9olume1/trac-env/MYTRAC2 hotcopy `date +/volumeUSB1/usbshare/TracBackup/%Y%m%d_trac_hotcopy_MYTRAC2`

# make sure other computers connecting to the share
# can delete these files
chmod 777 /volumeUSB1/usbshare/TracBackup/*

FIXME: these still have to be deleted regularly. I do this from my PC, so as to keep the complexity on the server minimal.

Backing up Subversion

Subversion is backed up with the svnadmin dump command, since this can then be read in from other subversion versions. The configuration of the backup is in /etc/crontab. It is done by executing the script /volume1/svn/svnbackup:


/opt/bin/svnadmin dump /volume1/svn/MYREPO1 > `date +/volumeUSB1/usbshare/SvnBackup/%Y%m%d_svn_dump_MYREPO1`
/opt/bin/svnadmin dump /volume1/svn/MYREPO2 > `date +/volumeUSB1/usbshare/SvnBackup/%Y%m%d_svn_dump_MYREPO2`

# make sure other computers connecting to the share
# can delete these files
chmod 777 /volumeUSB1/usbshare/SvnBackup/*

FIXME: these still have to be deleted regularly. I do this from my PC, so as to keep the complexity on the server minimal.