I recently stumbled apon the Revit APP blog and spotted a simple code listing for getting all level elevations. This should be a no-brainer using the RevitPythonShell (RPS), so I fired up a shell and started typing. This is a session transcript in the shell:
>>>import clr
>>>import Autodesk.Revit.DB
>>>collector = Autodesk.Revit.DB.FilteredElementCollector(__revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document)
>>>elems = collector.WhereElementIsNotElementType().OfClass(Autodesk.Revit.DB.Level).ToElements()
>>>for lv in elems:
... print '%s: %.2f' % (lv.Name, lv.Elevation)
Level 1: 0.00
Level 2: 9.84
I am getting a bit fed up of typing import clr and referencing RevitAPI whenever I use RPS so my next step will be to try and add that by default. I'll keep you posted about that.
Do u know about any plugin which could parse 3d geometric information as parsed from Revit, and must be able to handle IFC data also.
ReplyDeleteum... ashish... no I don't. I'm also not quite sure what you want.
ReplyDeletewhere's the wonderful RevitPythonShell tool? can I give it a try?
ReplyDeleteSpiderinnet, try here: http://revitpythonshell.googlecode.com